[Hamo] Dating a Handsome Gangster (Dangerous Love) Part 1

tw: kidnapping, swearing
Please do not read this story if you don't like the genre and feeling uncomfortable while reading... Please leave if you don't like my stories I'm writing about...
I totally write this first chapter very very long and it's already on 1000 words.. Hoped I still have motivation to write this novel while it's still vacation.. –w–

It's 10 o'clock in the late evening, a boy went out from the university lately because from doing his late assignments and cleaning the rooms. He got stopped at the convenience store to buy some small groceries and went to the cashier to pay his groceries.

"It's 11,000 won, sir."


He picks up the money from his wallet and gives it to the cashier. The cashier gave him a small change and he went out from the store.

"Thanks for coming to our store!"

He's now walking way home. The lights are almost shutting off and it's full of silence. The sound of the racing speed came to his ears and made him in struck. He continues to walk in faster way but suddenly, somebody else covered his mouth and got him collapsed on the ground along with his groceries.

Someone turned on the lights. Now the boy was still asleep, but his mouth was covered with duct tape and got his wrists tied together at the back, even his feet too. He slowly opens his eyes and squirms because of the brightness of the lights. He didn't believe on where he is now and it's on a dark place.

He tries to break his ties with his all force but it didn't work out.

"Finally, you wake up..."

The gangster spoke up and laughs in terrifying way. His appearance is well-styled and neat, was dressed in a nice suit, a gold necklace was hanging around his neck, and took off his cigarette from his lips. The boy is trying to break his ties from the gangster.

"So, what are you still staying at late night?..."

The boy tries to answer with his mouth shut but he shrugged as a reply.

"Eh?... You don't remember what you doing?.."

The gangster opens the boy's bag and he picks up his ID card.

"Your name is Chun Myunghoon, right?..."

Myunghoon nodded nervously.

"Ahh, you have a pretty name but, your face still looks so young and reminds me of a girl I liked in the past..."

The gangster throws his ID card on the floor and steps on it. Myunghoon can't believe in shock of the gangster.

"So what's next?..."

A sound of ringing phone interrupted the gangster. He checked on Myunghoon's bag and it was phone ringing with a contact named, Noh Yoomin.

"Ah.. Noh Yoomin, I wonder that person is calling you for your help..."

The gangster throws Myunghoon's ringing phone and was broken in shards. Myunghoon's eyes were widen open after seeing his phone broken and his eyes frowned.

"Myunghoon-hyung... It's already night and you didn't came home..."

His roommate, Yoomin sighed and worries that there's something happened to Myunghoon.

"The question again is why are you still staying up at coming home late at night?..."

Myunghoon can't speak because his mouth was covered in duct tape.

"Come on, speak!!"

Myunghoon is trying to speak with his mouth shut but he hummed instead.

"Tsk... It seems I don't understand what are you talking.."

The gangster quickly removes the tape from Myunghoon's mouth to let him speak. Myunghoon breathes rapidly to get some oxygen.

"Why... Why did you bring me here at this strange place?!!"

"I don't know.. I said that to you earlier..."

"Come on please, I just want to go home!!!"

Myunghoon finally break his ties on his feet with full force and kicks the gangster on the stomach with his foot. The gangster collapsed in pain.


The gangster now groaned in pain and Myunghoon got shocked that he hurts the gangster. But suddenly, the gangster laughed.

"Haha.. Nice try, Myunghoon... And well, this will be your punishment as exchange..."

The gangster said in a deep voice and slowly unbuckles Myunghoon's jumper and looses down on his waist. Myunghoon is now breathing heavily in nervousness.

"Aww.. Are you feeling scared of me already?..."

"Please... please don't..."

"Haha, don't worry I'm going to drink you some milk to calm you down..."

"No, please don't!!!"

"Haha, maybe you're now getting thirsty and more scared..."

The gangster twists the cap of milk bottle to open and ready to drink it for Myunghoon.

"Come on, drink this!!!"


Myunghoon tries to stop the gangster but the gangster grabbed Myunghoon's face and pinched his cheeks tightly and pours the milk on his mouth. Myunghoon tries to dodge his head away from the gangster.

"Drink this..."

The gangster spilled the milk on Myunghoon and Myunghoon is now all wet by the milk.

"Oh no, your shirt is already wet.. Don't worry, I'm going to give you a new one..."

"Shit.. Look what did you do, you're going to pay for this!!!"

Myunghoon growled at the gangster very loudly. But the gangster smirked and grabs the hem of Myunghoon's clothes.

"Huh?.. What are you–"

"Shh... Watch this..."

The gangster covers Myunghoon's mouth with his hand and pulled out his switchblade in front of him. Myunghoon's eyes were widen again in shock and screamed loudly.

"No, no!! Please don't hurt me.. I'm scared..."

The gangster slashes Myunghoon's shirt with his switchblade and now ripped into pieces. He whimpers because he's really scared on what is he doing now. Myunghoon's body is now almost exposed.

"Ah.. Myunghoon... You're a pretty boy who has a good body.."

"Stop... Please stop that!!"

The gangster went closer to Myunghoon and grabs Myunghoon's chin to make a eye contact.

"You will let me touch your body if you want to be free... Are you agree with that?..."

Myunghoon's face was stained with tears and nodded in nervousness.

"Alright here we goes..."

The gangster's hand went closer on Myunghoon's body and Myunghoon closed his eyes as he felt scared to see touching him. But actually, he's untying the rope on his wrists and made him set free.

"I'm sorry, I'll bring you to my bedroom..."

The gangster puts his coat around Myunghoon's shoulders to give him some warmth and grabbed his hands and followed him the way.

Myunghoon was shocked to see the size of the mansion that the gangster lives.

"Wow... Is this your mansion?..."

"Yes, is it look so beautiful and fancy?..."

"I.. I haven't seen this kind of house before..."

"Hm, I'll take you now to my bedroom.."

The gangster opened the bedroom door and let Myunghoon enter first and then himself. The bedroom was dark, almost can't see anything but there's an only light where it came from the rays of moonlight.

"Come on, take off your clothes..."


"Just take them off..."

"W.. Wha.. What are you..."

"Come on, you will wait for me to do it?...


Myunghoon resisted and closed his eyes as he started to take off his clothes. There's almost nothing left on him and trying to cover himself with his arms. The gangster frowned by seeing Myunghoon like this.


The gangster throws the clothes at Myunghoon and he catches it. Myunghoon quickly puts the oversized shirt on his slender arms and buttons it one by one. While the gangster is dressing up his pajamas too.

"What's next?..."

"Come here on my bed and I have something to tell you..."

Myunghoon gulped and lays down silently on the gangster's bed. The bed was huge and have a lot of space to roll in. The gangster opens the lamp on his small desk. He looked at the gangster blankly but ended up turned away from him.

"Is it the first time you sleep with someone else?..."

Myunghoon turned back and face to the gangster again to talk.

"No... I mean yes.. But... It feels strange with you..."

"Haha, you're feeling strange because of me?... Don't worry, you will used to it one day..."

"Hey, what is your name?..."

"It's Lee Sungjin."

"Lee Sungjin?..."

"Do you think I'm from someone else's?.."

"Huh– No, this is the first time I met you..."

"Do you feel uncomfortable with me right now?..."

Myunghoon's cheeks turned red and covered his face with a blanket in nervousness, but Sungjin pulled the blanket out of his face.

"I don't know... That was a strange feeling for me..."

"It's okay, this is our beginning and we can get to know together sooner or someday..."

"What is your age?..."

"20. You?..."

"Uhm... 19..."

"Ah... You're studying at the university, right?..."


Myunghoon's heart started beating fast and he felt even more strange because on what happened earlier.

"Hey, did you do this to the girls too?.."

"What? No. I always invited them on my parties and approached them one by one to court... But sometimes, they don't want to go with me..."

"Do you get a girlfriend?..."

"Ha, no way!! Tsk... Girls are very naughty nowadays and using their men for money.. I remember I got dumped by my girlfriend when I was in high school... TwT"

"Why are you sleeping with–"

"I'm finding a boyfriend."

"Huh?.. A boyfriend, who?.."

"I don't know, maybe it's a pretty boy who is sleeping with me right now..."

Sungjin smiled in response and Myunghoon's face turned red after hearing Sungjin's words and and hides under the blanket to not getting know by Sungjin.

"Huh?! You're talking about me?!! No, no, no!!! >w<"

"Haha, just kidding.. You'll find out who he is someday.."

Myunghoon went up from his blanket again.

"Phew... You gave me a heart attack... —_—"

They went in silence for moments and almost made them asleep. Until, Myunghoon nervously asked a question to Sungjin once again.

"Sungjin, when you're going to bring me home?..."

"Maybe on tomorrow morning... Come on, it's almost the midnight and let's get some sleep, Myunghoon..."


"Sleep well..."

Sungjin turned off the lamp and falls asleep. Myunghoon turned away from him and wondering about happened tonight.

"It was strange that I met Sungjin like this and almost got thrilled on everything what happened... At first, he's a bad guy because he kidnapped me and now, he brings me here to sleep with him together... I don't know anymore because I'm feeling so scared and I wished should run away before the things will come in fortunate times..."

I wonder why...